Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
SUNDAY Share a book with your child. Make it real... Relate the pictures to familiar objects at home. |
MONDAYShare a book with your child. Allow repetition... Learn a nursery rhyme and repeat it to your child throughout the day. |
TUESDAYShare a book with your child. Tell a picture story... Open the book to a favorite page. Make up a tune and sing the words to the nursery rhyme. |
WEDNESDAYShare a book with your child. Read the words... Read the page to your child repeat the rhyming words. |
THURSDAYShare a book with your child. Ask questions... Ask your child "What is happening?" as you look at the page. |
FRIDAY Share a book with your child. Share with another... Have a friend, relative, or neighbor share the book with your child. |
SATURDAY Share a book with your child. Visit the library... Look for nursery rhyme books at the library. |