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PUSSYCAT, PUSSYCAT by Rosemary Wells

"A book a day brings a reader your way."

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
 SUNDAY Share a book with your child. Make it real...
Pretend with a puppet to act out the nursery rhymes.
 MONDAYShare a book with your child. Allow repetition...
Recite the nursery rhymes with your child while you are in the car.
 TUESDAYShare a book with your child. Tell a picture story...
Have your child look at the pictures and talk about what is happeing in each picture.
 WEDNESDAYShare a book with your child. Read the words...
Have your child move his or her finger along with the words as you read the nursery rhymes.
 THURSDAYShare a book with your child. Ask questions...
Ask your child how many of a certain object are on each page. Count the objects together with your child.
 FRIDAY Share a book with your child. Share with another...
Have your child share this book with Grandma or Grandpa.
 SATURDAY Share a book with your child. Visit the library...
Look for other nursery rhyme books.

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Riverdale Annex 150 West 137th Street Riverdale, Illinois 60827