Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
SUNDAY Share a book with your child. Orient book... Find a book that is partially hidden. |
MONDAYShare a book with your child. Follow child's lead... Let your child squeak the kitty as often as he or she wants. |
TUESDAYShare a book with your child. Talk about pictures... Describe what is happening in the pictures. |
WEDNESDAYShare a book with your child. Label things... Point to the objects or animals on each page and tell your child what they are. |
THURSDAYShare a book with your child. Take turns... Take turns holding the book. |
FRIDAY Share a book with your child. Share with another... Have a friend or neighbor read the book to your child. |
SATURDAY Share a book with your child. Visit the library... Find out what children's cassette tapes or C.D.s are available in the children's library. Check one out and listen to it with your child. |