- Acts without regard for rules
- Shows a sense of humor
- Identifies some body parts
- Enjoys being the center of attention
- Resists adult control
- Needs and expects rituals and routines
- Temporarily responds to "no" and "stop"
- Shows affection to parents
- Understands pointing and showing
- Gives toy to adult upon request
- Shares with an adult
- Refuels emotionally through intermittent contact with parent
- Wants to be near adults
- Enjoys imitating adult behavior.
- Takes the lead in initiating social games
- Engages in interactive play (e.g. rolls ball back and forth)
- Enjoys chasing and hiding games
- Finger feeds self for part of meal
- Begins to use spoon or other utensils to feed self
- Holds and drinks from a cup with some spilling
- Cooperates in dressing
- Takes off hat, socks, and shoes
- Fusses to be changed after bowel movement
- Has a dry diaper after nap some of the time
- Uses non-systematic trial and error problem solving strategies
- Discovers novel behavior needed to obtain a desired goal (e.g. dumps pellet from bottle)
- Begins smiles of mastery upon attaining self-generated goal
- Demonstrates increased awareness of dissonance
- Demonstrates tool use after demonstration
- Demonstrates capacity for social tool use (e.g. shows other what to do)
- Explores cabinets and drawers
- Attempts to activate a simple mechanisms
- Uses adults as a means (e.g. brings windup toy to adult)
- Uses purposeful gestures to make wants understood
- Picks up like objects in each hand spontaneously
- Relates visual configurations (e.g. relates arms to shirt)
- Selects object misplaced in an array of like objects
- Enjoys losing and finding play
- Finds object removed from a container
- Retrieves object by detouring around furniture
- Finds object hidden under multiple covers
- Maintains goal without being distracted (e.g. pulls string to obtain toy out of reach)
- Imitates novel movements (e.g. bends and straightens finger)
- Imitates unfamiliar action with an object (e.g. blows a ping pong ball)
- Recognizes use of familiar objects
- Restricts most acts with objects to own body (e.g, sits on doll chair)
- Mimics ongoing domestic activities
- Begins to direct functional acts to replicas
- Points out familiar facial features on self and adults
- Uses words as symbols
- Describes line and rotational courses with his own body and in miniatuized space (e.g., runs in a circle and moves car in a circle
- Pats pictures in books
- Interacts with multi-dimensional objects using a variety of schemes
- Directs functional objects first to self, then to adult, then to a doll
- Clearly inspects and investigates objects first, then accords appropriate uses
- Pretends using real props
- Orients personal accessories roughly (e.g. brings sunglasses toward head)
- Fills container with small objects
- Stacks objects.
- Displays awareness of speaker's emotional tone
- Listens to adult naming pictures in a book
- Begins to pat named picture in a book
- Identifies at least two body parts
- Recognizes or identifies common objects and pictures as they are named
- Retrieves a familiar item from another room upon request
- Chooses an object from a group of two objects
- Follows routine one part commands given with gestures
- Responds to 'where' question forms by indicating location
- Begins to respond to simple 'what' question forms
- Uses at least 18 different speech sounds
- Produces true words in jargon utterances
- Omits final consonants and some initial consonants
- Has a repertoire of consonants including w,h,p,b,m,n,t,d,j,k,g,l
- Requests actions/objects/information via vocalizations and gestures
- Refuses by saying "no"
- Uses exclamatory expressions (e.g. uhoh)
- Demonstrates sense of humor
- Greets when given verbal cues
- Initiates topic using glances and vocalizations
- Begins to maintain play and vocal interactions
- Imitates vocal intonation patterns of others
- Imitates three animal sounds
- Imitates simple novel behaviors
- Imitates familiar words
- Uses single word sentences
- Uses five or more words consistently
- Begins to label objects
- Begins to label specific body parts
- Produces semantic functions such as: existence (e.g. ball) disappearance (e.g. all gone) rejection (e.g. no)