Family Enrichment Program Mission Statement

The Family Enrichment Program is an Illinois State Board of Education Birth to Three Prevention Initiative Program. The Program seeks to promote positive parenting in the service of raising happy, healthy children who are loved and who have a passion for learning. The Family Enrichment Program is comprised of a multicultural, intergenerational, and transdisciplinary staff who believe that parents are and should be respected as their children's first and best teachers. To that end, the Family Enrichment Program Staff is dedicated to nurturing and supporting families with young children. Unique gifts of all participants are identified, diversity is celebrated, and strengths and needs are utilized as springboards for understanding the ways in which individuals of all ages grow and develop. The Family Enrichment Program is committed to sharing information and being a catalyst for growth and change in other developing programs for infants and toddlers who are striving to make the world a better place for children and families.
Highlighted keywords were selected by the Family Enrichment Program Staff and incorporated into the mission statement.
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